
Memorial Bima Honoring 1200 Holy Souls

  • *Memorial Bima Cover honoring the 1200 holy souls who perished on October 7th* 

    The upcoming High Holidays will feel different this year.
    Our minds, hearts, and prayers will be focused on our brothers & sisters in Israel.

    As the first Yartzeit of October 7th approaches, we commissioned a beautiful  Memorial Bima Cover. (see picture below)

    The Memorial Bima Cover will be inscribed with the names of every one our 1200 brothers and sisters who were mercilessly murdered on Oct. 7th.

    The Bima, from which the Torah is read and many prayers recited...reaching the Heavens...memorializing and elevating the holy souls of the victims.

    At the Yizkor Memorial service and throughout the Holidays we will  memorialize every one of our brethren torn away from us one year ago.

    We invite you to join us in this meaningful tribute by donating toward the special Bima cover.  

    Am Yisroel Chai

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